Latest news #9 Unpleasant news

Mr. Rabbit3/21/2025 5:25 PM

Hello everyone, I have something to inform you all, recently our SubscribeStar account has been weird, for a while now we have lost the function of being able to make public posts, we didn't question it, since we don't make public posts very often, so it didn't make much difference... But this month, we've lost the ability to add images to posts (which is why the "Progress Report" image hasn't been updated). Also this month, since March 3rd, we've received some messages from users who haven't been able to subscribe to our account (if you're one of them, leave a comment). Our account is "blocked" from receiving new subscribers, those with automatic renewal will apparently continue as normal, while those who renew their subscription manually may not be able to do so... And the reason for all this is... I have no idea, I'm completely in the dark, and yes, I've already sent 4 emails to SubscribeStar support, and so far it's been 13 days (and counting) with no replies, we've even stopped sending emails, we're just doing the only thing we can do, waiting. Anyway, I think it's only fair that you also know what's going on.

And don't worry, we're not going to let the game die because of this, we're going to do everything we can to keep the project alive, join our discord to follow everything more closely and thank you all for your support.

Mr. Rabbit3/28/2025 6:46 PM

Hi everyone, we've been trying to get in touch with Subscribestar for weeks now to try and resolve the problems with our account and at the moment we've had no response. It's been almost 30 days without any answers from Subscribestar and our problem still persists. That's why we decided to get support from two new platforms:

Both platforms will have the following tiers

Carrot Starter $1 
Carrot Regular $5 - Early access 
Carrot Plus $10 - Early access | Access to gallery code

This was the way we found to receive support beyond Subscribestar.

Get Little Man


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I sure hope that everything will workout for you, as alot of supporters think, the game is awesome and there is so much more to give to it.. I sure hope that you will be back on track soon so we can enjoy the game.

I see the link to Discord, but what's the second platform you're talking about?  Here on Itch?

i don't really want this game to die, this has lots of cool stuff in it mate, just don't let that happen. we love you

Is it possible to set up a website with a subscription for the game built into it?

Yeah, but i suspect it can be a lot of work to set up, maintain and monitor. If it wasn't,  sites like patreon and subscribstar wouldn't be regularly used

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That's a shame but also a relief to hear that you guys can still be supported in spite of being blocked on Subscribestar. Best of luck to the continued development. Shame they did this and that the silence has been deafening.