Latest news #2

Hi guys, just an informative post to keep you informed... (obviously). The Molly minigame has been in progress for a while now, but we're going to stop and focus on the minigame. Molly will be a math teacher, so the minigame will be math-related, it will be much easier, it won't have those questions that many players have trouble with. We'll also be doing the test, which is also something that's still in progress. 

PS: Tomorrow I'll post a teaser for the Subs... The build will be out soon.

Get Little Man


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For ideaa of a good math minigame, u should check "summer time memories". It was simple grade schooler math questions, but done in a way that still required using my head so i got some stimulation from it. Even the dishes minigame required quick comprehension to do while still being very simple

Yeah i definitely had to google them test questions